Wednesday, June 8, 2011


I have the most adorable digital illustration to share with everyone!

Here's an amazing work by our very own Kate Sharples (can you tell one of her fortes is dogs?)

Amazing work!!!
Hi guys!

 Also today I have some awesome stuff from Lauren Matters! You saw in a post last week a photo of her working on an amazing wooden box where she was drawing the images by BURNING INTO THE WOOD! (I honestly cant get over how good she is at this, and how original the idea is!) So now I have some pictures of the finished box for you!

I've also got some more amazing stuff from Lauren for you. Some of her assessment work!

This is her Advertising Brief: Posh Fish!

And her Specialist Illustration: Calendar Brief "Kids Can Get Into A Real Pickle!"

Hope you enjoy the amazing work!


So over the last week NMITs 2nd Year Illustration class has been working VERY hard to get all our work up to scratch for assessment this Friday! There's some amazing work popping up, and I think I speak for everyone when I say it's good fun, but gosh its TIRING!

We will be taking a break after that, a little over a month, and I expect there will be some awesome work going on then for when we get back!

So here's wishing everyone luck on their assessment, and lots of SLEEP TIME after!


Friday, June 3, 2011

Working in Class...

So for a start here's a little 'behind the scenes' of the class at work:

Lauren in 3D class painting her amazing illustrated box. That drawing you can see...she burnt that into the wood!!!!!

Leigh working (again in 3D class) on his Cheff-Salt/Pepper shaker and Daniel doodling in the background!

Flickie doing her usual thing of listening to music on youtube and working in her sketch book!

Hope you enjoyed you're first instalment of BEHIND THE SCENES!

Blog in New Hands!

Hey guys! Kat here, I've taken over from Lauren on the blog for all your awesome Illustre needs!

I plan on having lots of photos and updates of what the class is working on over the year, so keep your eyes peeled for new awesomeness!!
