Monday, April 4, 2011

Update no.1

Hey guys, me again!

So last week in class we discussed where everybody was up to in regards to their groups and the tasks they're involved with in the lead up to our exhibition in November. Gosh, November. Seems like ages away. Never the less I'm sure the time will fly.

Anyway so we have our first fundraising event coming up in a few weeks. We're holding a cupcake sale on the 13th of April which should be interesting. We'll be getting as many people as possible involved. We've made posters, we've filled out the paperwork and we've priced ingredients etc. We'll probably just end up making the premixed cupcakes you get at Coles. Let's hope we sell heaps!

I'll post again in a couple of days after our next meeting because I cannot remember what else we discussed last week. That and my mind is like an out of order filing cabinet right now. Some of my illustration buddies are getting ready for Supernova as well as trying not to fall behind with everything else we have going on... Speaking of Supernova... (This is relevant I swear) We're hoping to get some business cards organised and printed this week to take and hand out at Supernova. Who knows, we may get a few extra people coming to see our amazing work! Here's hoping anyway.

Until we meet again, I bid you farewell. Hope you all enjoy the rest of your day/ night/ week etc.


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